A new book on Software Data Engineering for Network eLearning Environments by Springer has been released. The book was edited and contributed by members of SMARTLEARN group:
Caballé, S., Conesa J. (Eds.) (2018). Software Data Engineering For Network eLearning Environments: Analytics and Awareness Learning Services. Book Series “Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communication Technologies”. 230 pp. Springer. ISBN: 978-3-319-68317-1.
This book presents original research on analytics and context awareness with regard to providing sophisticated learning services for all stakeholders in the eLearning context. It offers essential information on the definition, modeling, development and deployment of services for these stakeholders.
In particular, the book explores the state of the art in software tools and innovative learning strategies for providing effective and efficient solutions to the various problems and challenges currently facing eLearning from a software data engineering perspective. It highlights stimulating practical research from leading international experts and provides useful references for educational institutions, industry, academic researchers, professionals, developers, and practitioners